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Londres : Des militants s’adressent à l’ambassade de France à propos du procès BDS à Lyon

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L’ambassade de France à Londres a reçu de nombreux courriers et coups de fils ce lundi à propos du procès TEVA contre Olivia Zémor ce mardi 16 mars.
Les militants britanniques souhaitaient non seulement exprimer leur solidarité mais savoir pourquoi il y a en France des procès mettant en accusation des actions pacifique de boycott d’Israel et de ses entreprises comme TEVA.

Certains militants ont même fait le déplacement pour déposer une lettre :

Londres : Des militants s'adressent à l'ambassade de France à propos du procès BDS à Lyon

For the attention of Catherine Colonna,  French Ambassador to the UK, 

58 Knightsbridge,London SW1X 8PZ

15 March 2021 

Re:  Court hearing 16 March 2021, in the Lyon Court in France

Madam Ambassador Colonna,  

We wish to communicate to you, as citizens committed to the respect of human rights and international law, our concern regarding the proceedings launched by the French government against activist Olivia Zémor who will appear on Tuesday 16 March 2021 in Court in Lyon

Despite the excellent judgement of the European Court of Human Rights that legitimated the boycott of Israel and its products only nine months ago on 11 June 2020, and also condemned the French state to pay more than 100.000 euros to BDS activists that had been sanctioned, the French government intends to continue weaponizing anti-Semitism, and wants to override the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights.

Olivia Zémor, president of the (French) association CAPJPO-Europalestine, is summoned to the Lyon court on Tuesday 16 March 2021. And this, for having relayed in 2016, on the website europalestine.com of which she is the editor, a call of the Lyon Palestine Collective to boycott the Israeli pharmaceutical company Teva.

The undersigned organizations and persons reaffirm their full solidarity with the activists facing the repression of a French government complicit in the apartheid regime’s crimes against Palestinian civilians including children. From this point of view, they are particularly outraged by the recent circular by the French Justice Minister ordering all prosecutors in France, to condemn BDS activists.

France is well placed to know that these abuses that violate numerous UN resolutions, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Geneva Convention, as well as the International Convention against Torture, are signed by France.  

How dare the French state go after a Jewish woman of conscience who has done her duty, by refusing to turn a blind eye to atrocities.

We know the weight of blackmail involving false allegations of antisemitism, which consists essentially of conflating Judaism and the State of Israel. 

But it is a blackmail to which it would be odious to yield and which would lead to becoming an accomplice of another slow genocide, that of the Palestinian people. 

We allow ourselves to recall the judgment of 11 June 2020 of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) which fully legitimates the political actions of boycott, divestment, sanctions (BDS) against Israel.  https://bit.ly/3vrJTPV

We thank you in advance for conveying to the French authorities our support and our respect for the activist Olivia Zémor, president of the (French) association CAPJPO-Europalestine, who has been summoned to appear in the court in Lyon tomorrow 16 March 2021.


Prof. Moshé Machover, Professor (emeritus)

Prof. Haim Bresheeth, SOAS University, London

Margaret Cassar, Convenor of BDS Adelaide

Australian Friends of Palestine Association (SA)

Caroline O’Reilly, Retired teacher trainer

Luke O’Reilly,  Football producer

Edmund O’Reilly – Psychotherapist 

John Tymon, Journalist 

Virginia Moietta, Retired Teacher

Angus Geddes, Agricultural Economist (Retired) 

Gill Hewitt,  Former events management

Tom Loeffler, University administrator (Retired)  

Ted Clement Evans, Surveyor

Glyn Secker, Jews For Justice for Palestinians (personal capacity)

Chantal Cameron-Guillin, Retired language teacher

Clare Richardson, Retired Lecturer

Lambeth & Wandsworth PSC 

Tim Towers, Lecturer in English (Retired) 

Elizabeth Morley, Teacher (Retired) 

Angela Birtill, Lecturer 

Steven Taylor, Writer 

Alan Watts, Haringey Justice for Palestine

Nicola Saunders, Haringey Justice for Palestine

John Dowdle,  FRSA

John Nicholson, Treasurer, Manchester Palestine Solidarity Campaign

Sean Clinton, Concerned Citizen

John Lynes, Retired University Lecturer

Chris Baker, Haringey Justice for Palestine

Deborah Darnes, Retired Social Worker, Manchester PSC 

Patrick Darnes,  Chemical Engineer (Retired),  Manchester PSC

Michael Shanahan, College lecturer in Further Education

Steve Kendall, York Palestine Solidarity Campaign

Jean Kendall, York Palestine Solidarity Campaign

Barbara Iqbal, Retired Local Government Officer

Giorgio Baldari, Taverniti, Painter and Sculptor

Joe Keating, M.A., M.Sc, M.Ed.  Retired Teacher

Peter Crabb, Retired Civil Service Manager

Kathy Brooks, Chairperson of Montgomeryshire PSC

R. Naomi Johnson, Retired Social Worker

Steve Roman, “Jewish, Retired Local Government Officer”

John Mc Fadden, Retired Fire Fighter

Roshan Dadoo, Convenor, South African BDS Coalition

Na’eem Jeenah, South African BDS Coalition   

Paul Kelemen, Retired academic

Stephen Watters, BA ACII

Jenny Lynn, Labour Councillor

Keith Gibbard, Manchester PSC

Salle Dare, Manchester PSC

Andy Simons, palestinebooks.net

Claire C. Tierney, Administrative Assistant

Nisar Ali Shah, Reporter

Owen Cooper, Personally and on behalf of The Big Ride

Janet Walker, Teacher (Retired)

Dr. John Garrett, Associate Professor (Retired)

Valerie Braganza Morton, Psychotherapist/ retired GP

Seymour Alexander, Activist

Stan Squires, Canada-Palestine Association

Barbara Moore, School teacher (Retired)

Brian George, Electronics Engineer (Retired)

Football Against Apartheid   

Rada Daniell, Activist and journalist.

Beleigh Jbara, Lawyer

Teo Soh Lung, Singapore

John Leigh-Brown, BDS Activist, Cambridge

Penny Leigh-Brown, BDS Activist, Cambridge

Natasha Camran, Nursery Assistant

Geoffrey Toy, Retired lecturer

Hanna Solemani, Psychoanalyst

Mike Rodney, Lecturer

Blake Alcott, Zurich, Switzerland

John Cooke

Giorgio Reva, Payday Men’s Network

Sue Cooke

Niki Adams, Legal Action for Women

Sara Callaway, Women of Colour / Global Women’s Strike

Kay Chapman

Sonya Delancey, Legal Action for Women

Selma James, International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network UK

Michael Kalmanovitz, International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network UK

Crissie Richter

Maggie Ronayne, Lecturer at the National University of Ireland Galway

Didi Rossi, Queer Strike

Sam Weinstein, International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network UK

Catherine Newall, Manchester

Paul Scott.  

Un grand merci !!!

